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Identity Crisis

An identity crisis is the result of the failed attempts to appropriately manage the effects of and sufficiently separate oneself from the vast, ubiquitous pressures and influences, both past and present, in the formulation of a healthy, free, and more complete identity of 1; 1 struggles in a continuous battle to establish a steadily flowing and deeply satisfying sense of purpose and meaning in life, leaving 1 susceptible to impulsivity, vice, avoidance, addiction, co-dependence, mood fluctuation, low self-esteem, etc. With the extensive doubt that ensues, 1 repeatedly drifts down paths of self-destruction and seeks fleeting moments of contentment and self-realization.

The Number 1: Doubtful and Confused

The human individual is so distinct, complex, fascinating, and clever, yet there exist immense and incalculable pressures that disrupt 1’s ability to attain the depths of 1’s inner light and a freer understanding of 1’s true purpose in the life the ethereal forces have granted. As the pressures amass, it becomes imperative to act in order to limit the intrusive influences from overwhelming what life has come to be understood as. 1 finds himself in the compromising position to distribute energy to quell such pressures, diminishing the exertion of 1’s efforts to seek a clearer, smoother, and less obstructed path toward personal freedom, genuine enlightenment, and the eventual destiny of all.

Now 1 is overcome by excessive doubt in who he genuinely and wholeheartedly believes he is and wants to be. The healthy, acceptable identity 1 is working to formulate becomes inundated with misleading messages and confusing mind-chatter, and an unstable, fragile ego-essence results. 1 faces life dictated by self-doubt and indecision leading to unsatisfactory patterns of feeling, thinking, behaving, and relating.

Recognize and reduce the negative influences that deter you from allowing yourself to be who you truly are. Seek and open yourself to the opportunities that can illuminate the path toward enlightenment so you can more efficiently reach your potential and the destination where we will all eventually find ourselves.