To Be Me or Not To Be Me: Overcoming the Inner Fears That Interfere

Along my attempted journey to the deepest depths of who I am within the current capacities as a human in the body that encapsulates what I truly am, I continue to question and doubt the real me. Hesitation, delay, and distraction remain powerful impediments to a smoother, natural flow I am committed to attain. While I attempt to remain steadfast in my movement to a truth that alludes me at the level I so strongly desire, I find myself succumbing to many influential forces that dissuade how I go about staying on course. There is a significant measure of control over my true identity that I know should be about my own, direct personal experience with God than with the  deceptive forces that sanction a fragile sense of self and a false sense of security.

I continue to recognize many of the sources that I struggle to effectively and consistently manage on my personal path to freedom, many of which are reinforced in what society perceives and implements as “normal, acceptable, ordinary;” these play out as messages with which we are over-inundated that result in an acquiescence to a substandard, shallow, and highly underdeveloped existence. Negative, recurring mental schemata, a society that endorses materialism, superficiality, excess, and immediacy (i.e. quick fix remedies), a hierarchical system of interpersonal interaction, unresolved traumatic experiences, just to name a few, work to subdue the individual from expecting and striving for more.

A deeper, more refined inner essence awaits as I conquer the impediments along my journey to me, the real me,  a lighter, freer, and more complete me.

I would appreciate any input, good or bad, happy or sad, nasty or nice, as it will help me in my aim to attain so much more. Please comment, question, clarify, debate.

2 thoughts on “To Be Me or Not To Be Me: Overcoming the Inner Fears That Interfere”

  1. Será que é muito importante no nosso dia presente , saber a nossa origem como por exemplo nesta fase atual estamos muito felizes a resposta que chegar pode ser dezastrosa e pode influenciar naqueles momentos que estamos passando. Eu por exemplo segundo os estudos na outra vida eu lavadeira ate ai tudo bem se fosse uma coisa ruim poderia influenciar no ser humano a depender do seu estado psico se for fraco ou forte. Caso muito importante continui vá em frente.

    1. Ta certo Pai Preto! Para enfrentar as duvidas, as barreras que coninuam me atrapalhar, é uma grande parte no meu movimento pela frente. Eu fiquei grudado pra um tempo, renunciando me mesmo, evitando minhas responsibilidades. Agora, estou mais preparado porque estou me olhando mais profundamente para eliminar tão melhor que eu posso minhas tendencias a caer no buraco e limitar meu progresso.

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